Worship & Music Ministries

At Community UMC, worship includes music of all styles, sacraments, proclamation of the Word, prayer, interpretation of scripture and congregational responses. This takes all of our many skills, talents and willingness to share them. Worship of God is essential for community life in Christ and for growth in discipleship.

The choir provides hymn support during Sunday worship, and additional anthems approximately twice a month. Our music ranges from contemplative and traditional to contemporary and includes pieces from many cultures. You do not need to be able to read music to come and enjoy the feeling of fellowship and the expression of love through the Adult Choir! We rehearse Wednesday evenings at 7:30.
Coordinator: Dale Dodd

The Altar Guild serves the congregation and guests by preparing and maintaining the elements and sacred design that provide an aspect of spiritual nourishment, visual focus, and inspiration for our worship services. The Altar Guild cares for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the church. Members work behind the scenes to arrange the Lord’s Table for communion and adorn the church with appropriate elements and symbols of the season.
Coordinator: Nancy Kripner; Communion Coordinator: Dana Buckwalter

This AV team provides the audio and visual support for the worship participants and leaders, choir, and praise band. They also live stream for our online congregation and record worship services. If you are interested in learning more please contact av@cumc.net.
Coordinator: Ryan Fregger

If singing does not satisfy your musical self-expression, then perhaps ringing a bell or two does. Our fun-filled group meets on Monday evenings at 7:30 to rehearse. We have members that have been in the choir for over 30 years and others that are new this year! Everyone can be trained! We play in church once or twice a month. We also hope to get back to attending the conference in Ocean City! Stop by and check us out!
Coordinator: Teri Gregory

Coffee fellowship after worship is a time to gather, provide hospitality and share precious time with each other. This event occurs on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month! Fellowship time relies on volunteers to provide food and drinks, setting up before and cleaning up after.
Coordinator: Jim Cole

Since 2007, the Community UMC Orchestra has had many talented singers, violinists, flute and clarinet players join us. We have open practices on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 and Saturday mornings at 9:00. Coming to both practices is not an obligation, as we know people are busy with their day to day schedules. We play in church on the fifth Sundays and sometimes other Sundays as needed. Come join us for your music ministry!
Coordinator: Pey-Schuan Jian

The Praise Band provides worship support using contemporary music. The Praise Band participates in service every Sunday. If you are a fan of contemporary worship and would like to harmonize with the band, please come join us! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 6:30.
Coordinator: Rick Kellner

The Greeters are volunteers responsible for providing hospitality by opening the church doors with a welcoming smile and greeting. They will also guide visitors and church members as needed. The ministry of ushering is a vital part of any church ministry. Ushers represent the church in a very visible way, and help set the tone in preparation for the worship service, as well as assist with the smooth operation within the service. All are welcome to join.
Coordinator: John Holly

Worship assistants play a vital part in the worship service each Sunday by leading in various aspects of worship. These include especially greeting the congregation as it gathers, calling us to worship, reading some of the Scripture texts for the day, and announcing discipleship opportunities.
Coordinator: Mike Gorman