Mission & Outreach

Throughout our history, Community UMC has supported a number of local and global missions.
We partner with a variety of ministries and organizations to serve our local community and beyond.

Crofton Christian Caring Council (CCCC) and Community UMC function in a co-operative relationship with area churches to provide emergency assistance for those in need. We host the Baby Pantry, which services families in Anne Arundel County on an appointment basis. The Baby Pantry provides items such as diapers, wipes, blankets, socks, and gift cards to purchase formula and baby food. In 2022, our diaper program distributed 29,400 diapers. Recently, the Baby Pantry developed and implemented two educational programs to assist new mothers – Potty Training and Cooking for Baby. We are the only known Baby Pantry in the county distributing potty chairs to families in need of a helping hand. Click here for more information.
Coordinator: Art McQuade

The Backpack Meals program supports children attending Anne Arundel County Public Schools who receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch, and are identified by the school Guidance Counselors as needing additional food resources over the weekend throughout the school year. With the help of a team of dedicated volunteers, we pack and deliver food to the participating schools to be given to the children by school administrators. For more information, click here.
Coordinators: Carol Moore & Margaret Galasso

Cancer Support Group meets monthly on Mondays at 7:15 p.m. The group is a Christian based support group for those living with cancer, survivors and caregivers.
Coordinator: Gary Todd

Lend a helping hand! This group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month to care for the church’s property and grounds. While providing support of all kinds, God’s Helping Hands focuses in the areas of property management, maintenance, gardening, landscaping, and associated maintenance support services.
Coordinator: Kim Wilhelm

Many of our mission, fellowship and ministry activities surround the use of our kitchen. A kitchen team is needed to keep the kitchen in working order and stocked with the items necessary for “breaking bread” together.
Coordinator: Sara Blight

Volunteers from Community UMC pack lunches each month to be handed out at Light House. Light House’s mission is to rebuild lives with compassion by providing shelter and services to prevent homelessness and empower people as they transition toward employment, housing and self-sufficiency.
Coordinators: Karen Drabczyk & Barry Elm

The membership committee helps create a welcoming environment serving the congregation’s well-being through the promotion of church activities while maintaining sensitivity to changes in needs of the church and individuals.
Coordinator: Marilyn McKee

Sassafras meets monthly and focuses on local mission work and fellowship outings. Some of their past service has been with Rebuilding Anne Arundel County, Manna House, Ronald McDonald House, and more. All are welcome.
Coordinator: Laurie High

The (Christmas) Giving Tree presents the opportunity to provide food, clothing and toys to many needy families in Anne Arundel County. There are numerous ways to serve. Committee members connect with Anne Arundel County to learn which families need help, alert church members of specific needs, shop for food, and coordinate the donations received from our church members. A second way to serve is to shop for one (or more!) of the children in need. And, finally, you could serve by being one of the drivers who delivers the donations to the families. We hope you join us, to experience the joy of the Christmas season in a whole new way!
Coordinator: Sara Blight

The stewardship committee develops a culture of gratitude and generosity among the congregation in response to the provision of God into our lives. Giving and serving Christ through the church is part of being a member and maturing in discipleship.
Coordinators: Ben & Kate Falls

Stitchers meets weekly on Tuesdays at 10 am to stitch in fellowship with others. The group usually works on individual projects-knitting, crochet, cross stitch, crewel embroidery, quilting, etc. Occasionally, the group will work on a service project together, too. Every third Tuesday, the group goes out to lunch. They are willing teachers for all who want to learn and all are welcome.
Coordinator: Kathlyn Sia

For 25 years, Community UMC has nurtured a relationship with the country of Zimbabwe through Zimbabwe Volunteers in Mission. In the last few years, we have focused our efforts on a village called Hanwa. We have assisted in building schools, providing electricity and clean water, and improving health clinics. In addition, since late 2020, we have provided over $81,000 in financial support and school fees for 29 students at the Primary School ages up through University level. Click here to learn more.
Coordinator: Charlie Moore