Lenten Worship Series: Listen to Him

A daily devotional to accompany our Lenten worship series will be available through a free app, available at https://discipleshipbands.com/.

Alternatively, you may pre-order a hard copy of the book to accompany the series. The price is $13/copy. Deadline to pre-order is February 16. Pre-order at the signup sheet on the Resource Table or online at the link below. Any questions, please contact the church office at cumc@cumc.net.

About the series:

It happened on perhaps the best day of his life—the day before the day Jesus would make the journey to the worst day of his life. Jesus and three of his disciples gathered on a high mountain where Jesus was transfigured right before their eyes. The voice of God spoke three thunderously piercing words into the minds and hearts of those disciples -“LISTEN TO HIM.” Those words now come to us -the present-day disciples of Jesus. The forty days of Lent open up a journey from the top of Transfiguration Mountain to the bottom of the Valley of the Cross. This forty day journey, calls us to lean in and listen deeply to Jesus. As we do, we will find the way of the cross is the road to resurrection. Listen to Jesus—he calls from the lowest places to lift up those broken and left outside and he calls to the powerful and popular insiders that they will be laid low. He calls all to listen. Only some will. Will you?

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